
Pull Up Mate

Our work with Pull Up Mate presents an ongoing adventure for Strive. It’s a brand we continue to build and learn from. It allows us to test theories, develop our tools, and grow our skill base out of real, first-hand knowledge of e-commerce and the fitness industry.

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a Strive campaign that packs a punch

Pull Up Mate is a well-known UK brand of portable, versatile home fitness equipment that focuses on bodyweight training. Created to meet the growing market demand for home fitness solutions, Pull Up Mate is a brand that delivers in terms of a portable, affordable and versatile offering.

A gap in the market

The team behind Pull Up Mate first identified the equipment’s potential in 2014, devising an effective product concept followed by a series of initial prototypes. Since then, the training solution’s design has successfully evolved and benefitted from numerous modifications, with each improvement meeting more closely the needs of the product’s target audience.

Pull Up Mate Case Study

Strive’s digital marketing push

Pull Up Mate knew from the start that having a strong home fitness concept alone wouldn’t be enough to generate product sales, and that extensive, intensive, and ongoing digital marketing efforts would be required to build both the brand’s awareness and reputation. The team started working with Strive as its digital marketing agency, a move that quickly helped to achieve a sustainable growth in sales, and build the Pull Up Mate brand beyond all expectations.

Full Court Press

To get the campaign moving, Strive incorporated three distinct areas of digital marketing into its holistic strategy; first targeting the UK’s ‘home workout’ audiences, then turning its attention to global fitness enthusiasts from the US to Asia, and everywhere in between. In order to increase hits across social media channels within the fitness industry, the team focussed its content generation primarily on visual concepts; including videos, product images, livestreams, and information on workout packs. Attention was then turned towards Facebook and Instagram, growing a fanbase from hundreds to thousands of followers across both platforms. A YouTube channel was then introduced and fully developed in 2020, utilising the video hosting platform to generate views in the millions.

Moving forward

Strive took a fluid approach to the campaign’s development and altered strategies as the fitness market changed. When the Covid-19 pandemic affected gym openings, Strive recommended that Pull Up Mate advance its digital marketing budget by 50%, which soon resulted in a 100% increase in sales.

The team continues to use social media to ensure Pull Up Mate’s constant market relevance and brand awareness. This is combined with an SEO development programme crafted to engineer long-term audience awareness for consumers without a social media presence.

Using its skilled expertise, Strive reinforced product awareness by creating visibility across multiple channels, developing a website in various languages, and building content to target highly popular keywords. It was a bold plan and it paid off considerably.

Interested in the figures?

Keywords in the top 100 organic search results worldwide
Facebook Fans
Instagram Followers
10000 +
Youtube Views

As of 2021, Pull Up Mate’s UK site alone ranks in the top 100 search results for nearly 7,000 keywords; with approximately 1,000 top 10 results.

The campaign involves limited use of Pay Per Click, as the fitness industry includes some hugely powerful brands that already pay large sums for broadly matched traffic. Google Shopping campaigns are however utilised, as are highly focused text searches, brand discovery campaigns, and retargeting campaigns – with each delivering a high return on spend across the account.

“Our work with Pull Up Mate presents an ongoing adventure for Strive. It’s a brand we continue to build and learn from. It allows us to test theories, develop our tools, and grow our skill base out of real, first-hand knowledge of e-commerce and the fitness industry. This journey continues to deliver results and reward us with a level of success of which we’re extremely proud. We’re known for never resting on our laurels and we look forward to seeing just where we can take Pull Up Mate’s digital marketing campaign next."
Benjamin Avenell