
Pay Per Click Management

Making PPC Deliver

Paid Ads That Convert

At Strive, we’re often asked how well PPC works with other digital channels. In short, it’s a medium that’s totally in its comfort zone when it comes to mingling.

PPC can fit in perfectly with a wider digital marketing strategy and can help to accelerate the performance of other channels as it feeds off related traffic to encourage user conversion.

You can rely on Strive to succinctly integrate PPC into your wider digital marketing strategy and integrate other relevant elements into the campaign. We’re a PPC agency that’s committed to ensuring your campaign works hard and delivers the best possible results by remarketing activity and aligning messaging towards users who have previously shown interest in similar products and services.

The PPC management route

Reaching new audiences through organic search methods (SEO) can sometimes be time-consuming and competitive, so a PPC agency boost with Strive could be just the injection that’s needed to get your company seen, and help your online investment to really start earning.

Among other platforms including Bing, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, we’ll help you reach audiences using the most popular PPC management platform; Google Ads, which is segmented into paid search, shopping, display, remarketing, and YouTube.

Need a PPC Sanity Check?

Let’s us audit, review, and optimise your campaigns for more efficient, effective bidding.

What is PPC?

PPC or pay-per-click is fast becoming one of the most widespread forms of advertising in the world, performing as a highly cost-effective advertising tool on both search engines and websites.

As the name suggests, you only pay for PPC advertising when someone clicks on your online advert. It’s a method that also allows you to control how much you pay for each click and how much budget you allocate to your advertising campaigns – which means you never overspend and always stay on top of your bottom line.

Your company might be new to PPC and may not have placed an advert before, however by creating a campaign with Strive, your target audience will soon see the adverts you choose directly in front of them, and often within minutes of a campaign launch.


This refers to the sponsored results that appear at the top of the Google listings when you run a search query.

Also in the sponsored search results, you’ll find adverts in Shopping, which show a product image, description and price, unlike paid search, which is primarily just text-based ads.

A technique that enables us to target your advertising directly to people who have visited your site already, allowing you to convert window shoppers into customers.

YouTube offers In-Stream and In-Display advertising on its website and shows adverts before and during videos. These adverts can also appear within YouTube’s search results.

Why choose Strive Online

The pay-per-click advertising route is growing at speed, as more and more data becomes available to advertisers. Navigating the best pathway to your target audiences and a successful campaign can be complicated, so choose a PPC management agency with the knowledge and confidence to steer your brand in the most rewarding direction.

By letting us manage your PPC activity, identify the meaningful data and explain the results, your campaign’s analysis and direction will be in capable hands, leaving you free to run your business…which is what you do best.

Need further convincing?

Let’s talk about the detail. Call, or contact us through the website and make Strive Online’s expertise part of your PPC strategy.